Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Egyptology

WILLEMS, H. The coffin of Heqata. (Cairo JdE 36418). A case study of the Egyptian funerary culture of the Early Middle Kingdom. 1996. 4°. Ocl. (OLA). -- E. HORNUNG & Th. ABT, eds. The Egyptian Amduat. The book of the hidden chamber. 2007. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R.J. DEMAREE. The 3h ikr n Rc-Stelae on ancestor worship in ancient Egypt. 1983. 4°. Owrps. -- J. JANSSEN. De traditioneele Egyptische autobiografie vóór het Nieuwe Rijk. Vol. 1: De teksten. Vol 2: Vertaling & comm. 1946. 2 vols. 4° & 8°. Ohcl. -- And 5 o. (10).

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