Veiling 360 Non European Civilizations - Egyptology

ANDREWS, C.A.R. & J. v. DIJK, eds. Objects for eternity. Egyptian antiquities from the W. Arnold Meijer Collection. (2006). 4°. Obrds. -- M. ELDAMATY & M. TRAD. Egyptian Museum Collections around the World. (2002). 2 vols. 4°. Owrps. -- B.V. BOTHMER. Egyptian art. Selected writings. 2004. 4°. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- P.G.P. MEYBOOM. The Nile mosaic of Palestrina. Early evidence of Egyptian religion in Italy. (2016). Owrps. -- E. BRUNNER-TRAUT. Egyptian Artists' Sketches. 1979. 4°. Owrps. -- And 9 o. (14).

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