Veiling 360 Prints & Drawings

MULLER, Harmen Jansz. (c. 1550-??). "Mercurius filios facit intelligentes, (…)". Engr. after M.J. v. Heemskerck. 215 x 250 mm. (Margins cut near to plate edge, laid down on mount). Second state from a series of 7 depicting the planets: Mercury making his sons intelligent, people who achieve the goal of their wishes, etc. - New Hollstein, The Muller Dynasty, 106-2 (4). -- Added: Jan SADELER I (1550-±1600). "Crapula et lascivia". Engr. after M. de Vos. 203 x 264 mm. (Margins cut close to/on image, laid down on mount). From a series of 6 depicting 'The sorrows of the world'. -- Added: 5 engr. plates from the series 'Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium' (published c. 1580) after G. Stradanus by J. Collaert II, C. Galle and K. v. Mallery, printed on laid paper. c. 200 x 265 mm. (Margins cut close to/on plate edges, tipped in on mounts). Hunting scenes, especially the killing of monsters. Present nrs. 43-46, 86. -- And 1 o. (7).

€ 300

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