Veiling 360 Law

BERGH, G.C.J.J. v.d. The life and work of Gerard Noodt (1647-1725). Dutch legal scholarship between humanism and enlightenment. 1988. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- PHILIPPUS de LEYDEN. De cura reipublicae et sorte principantis. Opnieuw uitg., met de inl. v. R. Fruin d. P. Molhuysen. 1915. Owrps. (Spine gone). -- K. AKASHI. Cornelius v. Bynkershoek: his contribution to the development of int. law. 1996. Owrps. -- G. de WAL. Oratio de claris Frisiae jureconsultis, (…). Leeuw., 1825. Mod. cf. -- E.M. MEIJERS. Études d'histoire du droit. Publ. p. R. Feenstra & H.F.W.D. Fischer. 1956-73. 4 vols. W. portr. Ocl. w. (dam./rep.) dust-j. -- And 5 o. (13). (Partly w. pencil annot.).

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