Veiling 360 Printing Art

SIEBELINK, J. Licht en donker. (Diepenheim, 1995). W. an illustr. by H. Ebeling Koning. 4°. Ocl. Signed by the author. -- Id. 'Drie Verhalen'. Geïll. m. litho's door G. Ten Bosch. (Utr.), 1998. Sm-8°. Obrds. Design by I. Boom. Lim. & numb. ed., this copy nr 15. -- Id. Hartje zomer. (Amst., 1990). Obrds. w. dust-j. Lim. & numb. ed., signed by the author at the colophon, w. autograph dedication by the author. -- F. THOMÉSE. Beste Jan. Bij de viering van de 70ste verjaardag van Jan Siebelink. Haarl., 2012. Owrps. Nr. 2 of 25 copies on Japanese paper, signed by author and dedicatee. -- And 7 o. of which 3 signed/dedicated by S. (11).

€ 150

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