Veiling 360 Netherlands - General History & Topography

's-GRAVENHAGE -- ALLAN, F. De stad 's Gravenhage en hare geschiedenis; voorafgegaan door eene alg. geschied- en aardrijkskundige beschouwing der prov. Zuid-Holland. Amst., 1859. x, (2), 86; (2), 278, (2) pp. W. cold. ti-vign., 6 cold. lithogr. plates, 5 fold. tinted lithogr. plates, 1 fold. cold. map of 'Zuid-Holland' & 1 fold. cold. plan of The Hague. Cont. hcl. w. printed brds. (Spine ends worn, upper left corner of the cover loosening, sides chafed, book plate J.J.M. Muijser on paste down, map clumsily repaired on v°, text very well-preserved with almost none of the usual yellowing/foxing).

The 5 extra folding plates depict St. Willibrord's church, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Royal Library and the buildings of the ministries of Colonies & Justice. They're not mentioned in Landwehr, Books w. cold. plts., 226; Bodel-Nijenhuis 1088.

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