Veiling 360 Law

VINNIUS, A. Tractatus V, de pactis, jurisdictione, collationibus, transactionibus, et quæstionibus juris selectis. Quibus additæ sunt S. Vinnii orationes duæ & alia quæaedam. Ed. 4a auct. & prioribus emend. Rott., J. Næranus, 1664. (6), 233, (11), (8), 288 pp. Sm-4°. Cont. cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, red label, speckled edges. (Spine ends a bit dam., upper joint split at the ends, corners a bit bumped/worn, free endpapers gone, sl. browned/foxed). -- Id. In quatuor libros Institutionum Imp. commentarius academicus & forensis. Ed. postrema. Amst., Ex typogr. P. & I. Blaeu, 1692. (8), 828, (16) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti. 4°. Cont. blind tooled vellum w. raised bands. (Lower margin a bit wormholed, rather browned/foxed). -- (2).

Ad 1: Fourth edition, but the first with 'Selectae Quaestiones'. - Ahsmann-Feenstra 951; Feenstra-Waal p. 34; Dekkers 179. Ad 2:Ahsmann-Feenstra 854; Dekkers 179.

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