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VALENTYN, F. Verhandeling der zee-horenkens en zee-gewassen in en omtrent Amboina en de nabygelegene Eilanden (…). Met zeer nette Prentverbeeldingen verrykt (…) dienende tot een vervolg van de Amboinsche Rariteitenkamer (…). Amst., J. van Keulen, 1754. (4), 70 pp. W. 16 of 18 plates. Fol. Later h. mor. (Dam. to spine ends, sides w. some wear at extremities, title-p. smudged & yellowing, textblock & prints w. some marginal dust stains but otherwise quite clean & well-preserved, lacks the portrait of the author & the two fold. prints).

Only separate ed. of the continuation of Rumphius' "Amboinsche Rariteitkamer", a major work on tropical marine life of the Moluccan Islands, by the Dutch traveller and historian Valentyn (1666-1727), dedicated to Joannes Esgers. - Landwehr, VOC, 622; Nissen ZBI, 415. - Sold as a collection of prints.

€ 300

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