Veiling 360 Law

(JUSTINIANUS). Corpus iuris civilis. Amst., Vid. D. Elzevier, 1681. 2 parts in 1 vol. (20), 904; 754 pp. W. engr. title. Cont. cf. w. fingertabs. (Bind. dam. in places, free endpapers gone). -- Id. Corpus iuris civilis Romani, in quo Institutiones, Digesta ad Codicem florentinum emend., Codex item et Novellæ. Cum notis integris D. Gothofredi, quibus access. F. Modii et (…) S. v. Leeuwen. Ed. nov. Basel, Cramer, 1756. 2 vols. Fol. Cont. cf. w. raised bands, dec. gilt backs, red labels & red edges. (Some marg. stains, sl. browned/foxed in places). -- Id. Institutiones sive elementa juris: dat is de leringen of beginzelen des regts begrepen in vier boeken. Door N.N.R(egts)G(eleerde). Leyden, 1728. Sm-8°. Cont. vellum. -- S. de COCCEJUS. Jus civile controversum. Frankf./Lpz., Ex off. Weidmanniana, 1740. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Upper edge of vellum a bit dam., a bit browned/foxed). -- (5).

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