Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

SPLENDID CEREMONIES -- (BIDLOO, G.). Komste van zyne majesteit Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, enz. in Holland; ofte omstandelyke beschryving van alles, het welke op des zelfs komste en geduurende zyn verblyf, in 's Graavenhaage en elders, ten teeken van vreugde en eere, is opgerecht en voorgevallen. The Hague, A. Leers, 1691. (10), 127 pp. W. engr. front. & 14 fine engr. plates (of which 11 double-p.) by R. de Hooghe. Fol. Cont. cf. w. raised bands. (Spine ends & upper corners dam., joints split, new endpapers, upper margin repaired at the beginning, a few small wormholes in upper margin, sev. other marg. rep., plates also repaired in places (margins and in places on v°), small piece of blank margin of 1 plate torn off).

First & only edition of an attractively illustrated work, documenting the visit of stadholder-king William III at The Hague and all the festivities there. - Landwehr, Splendid Ceremonies, 146; Id., RdH, 79; Kat. Ornamentstichsamml. 2952.

€ 500

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