Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

LEIDEN -- (MEURSIUS, J.). Illustrium Hollandiae & Westfrisiae ordinum Alma Academia Leidensis. Leiden, J. Marcius & J. à Coster, 1614. (28) lvs. 1-6, (8*), 17-231 pp. W. ti-engr., 3 fold. plates, 4 text-engr. depicting the Academy building, the library, the anatomical theatre & the botanical garden & 54 fine engr. portrs. (& six empty medallions) in the text. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Binding smudged & a bit warped, extensive annot. in an old hand on upper paste-down & first free endpaper, upper hinge delicate, page numbers added to unnumbered lvs. in an old hand, 2 bookplates on paste-down: G. Montandon & Van der Hoeven).

Without the original plate of the academic procession, but w. 3 fold. plates bound in: 'IN-WYDING der universiteit tot Leyden A° 1575.' - 'PRAGTIGE SLEEDEVAART, gehouden binnen Leyden, (…) ten besluite (…) der Academie Jubelfeesten, A° 1775 en 1776.', both by S. Fokkens. The first is a re-interpretation of the original plate. -- 'INWYDING der Universiteit tot Leyden Anno 1575.' This print was originally from J. Orlers, 'Beschryvinge der stad Leyden', 1781. - Important work on the founding years of Leiden University, extended version of '(MEURSIUS, J.) Illustris academia Lugd-Batava (…)', 1613. Among those portrayed are famous men like Grotius, Dousa, Scaliger, Clusius, Dodonaeus, etc. - Willems 237 note; Rahir 1802; Van Someren I, 148; Haitsma Mulier/Van der Lem 334k (ed. 1625).

€ 160

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