Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Dutch Literature & Language

BINDING -- WINTER, N.S. v. De Amstelstroom, in zes zangen. Amst., P. Meyer, 1755. (32), 207 pp. W. engr. front. by Tanjé after De Beyer, ti-vign. by S. Fokke, 1 fold. map & 7 fine tail-pieces by J. C. Philips containing i.a. miniature topographical views. 4°. Cont. marbled cf., w. fine gilt border on both sides, richly gilt spine w. labels in 2 colours, a.e.g.

Binding by Haarlem Prize Bindery? (cf. Storm v. Leeuwen III, p. 696). De luxe copy, printed on paper of extra quality. From the library of Van Laer and w. his bookplate.

€ 80

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