ANTONIDES v.d. GOES, J. Alle de gedichten. Hier by komt het Leven des Dichters. 3e dr. Amst., N. ten Hoorn, 1714. 4 parts in 2 vols. (50), 46; (30), 138, (6); 336; (6), 78, (4) pp. W. 3 engr. ti-vign.,1 portr. after L. Bakhuizen, 5 engr. plates by R. de Hooghe (incl. engr. front. to 'De Ystroom'). 4°. Beautiful cont. full cf. w. raised bands, richly dec. gilt backs, gilt oval vign. on all sides, elaborately dec. borders, a.e.g, w. charming handmade endpapers. (Upper joint vol. 1 split, upper hinge strengthened, else a fine and clean set on thick paper).
Landwehr, R. de Hooghe, 9. - From the library of J.W. Six and with his bookplate.€ 180