Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - Religion

NATALIS, H. (J. Nadal). Adnotationes et meditationes in evangelia. Antw., Ex Off. Plantiniana, apud J. Moretum, 1607. (5) lvs. (incl. engr. ti.-p.), 636 pp, (4) lvs. W. 152 (of 154) fine engr. by the Wierix family and o. artists (57 by Hieronymus Wierix, 58 by Antonius II W., 17 by Johannes W., 8 by K. de Mallery after M. de Vos & B. Passerus, and 12 by A. & Jan II Collaert). Fol. Old cf. bind. (Bind. severely dam., plate 75 replaced by reprint, lacking plate 62, upper margin occas. slighty stained, but in v.g. interior condition).

Jerónimo Nadal’s meditative treatise 'Adnotationes et meditationes in Evangelia' is a foundational Jesuit propaedeutic, for it taught the order’s scholastics how to convert the Gospels into exegetical images, which could then be utilized for prayer, preaching, and evangelization. The prints were immensely influential and were copied, both exactly as freely, numerous times also in painting and sculpture. - De Backer/S. 1518-9; Funck 367; Hollstein LXIX, 56 (not mentioning this 1607 edition). - Sold w.a.f., not subject to return.

€ 600

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