Veiling 360 Old & Rare Books - School Prize Bindings

VLISSINGEN -- ROSINUS, J. Antiquitatum romanarum corpus absolutissimum, cum not. Th. Dempsteri; acced. P. Manutii libri II. De legibus, et de senatu, (...). (Cur. J.F. Reitz). Ed. nov. Amst., S. Schouten, 1743. (16), 956 (=936), (30) pp. W. fine engr. front., ti-vign., 1 lge-fold. (bird's eye view) plan of ancient Rome, 5 full-p. & 2 fold. engr. by P. Philippe. 4°. Cont. vellum w. raised bands, dec. gilt back, red label, gilt coat of arms of Vlissingen on both sides, surrounded by 2 gilt dec. borders. (Ties & prize fail, gilt of coat of arms on back side partly gone).

Brunet IV, 1398; Graesse VI, 166; Spoelder 698 (Vliss. 6).

€ 150

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