Veiling 359 Non European Civilizations - Ancient Near East & Middle East

MANDAEANS -- DROWER, E.S. The canonical prayerbook of the Mandaeans. 1959. Ocl. -- Id. The Mandaeans of Iraq & Iran, their cults, customs, magic, legends, & folklore. (Repr. ed. 1937). 1962. Ocl. -- Id. The coronation of the great Sislam, being a description of the rite of the coronation of a Mandaean priest accord. to the ancient canon. 1962. Ocl. -- Id. A pair of Nasoraean commentaries. 1963. Ocl. -- Id. The Book of the Zodiac transl. 1949. Ocl. (Oriental Transl. Fund, 36). -- And 4 o. (9).

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