Veiling 359 Classical Antiquity - Authors

PLATO. Phaedrus. W. Engl. notes & dissertations by W.H. Thompson. 1868. Ocl. -- Id. Gorgias. W. Engl. notes, introd., & appendix by W.H. Thompson. 1871. Ocl. -- Id. Gorgias. (Ed.) by E.R. Dodds. (1976). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. The Phaedo. Ed. by R.D. Archer-Hind. 1883. Ocl. (Lower joint partly split, hinges strengthened). -- Id. The collected dialogues, incl. the letters. Ed. by E. Hamilton & H. Cairns. (1973). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- A.E. TAYLOR. A comm. on Plato's Timaeus. (1972). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 3 o. by P. (9).

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