Veiling 359 Prints & Drawings

CARICATURE -- "'T LICHT IS OP DEN KANDELAER GESTELT". Amst., (2nd half 17th c.). Anonymous engraving w. legend and verses by H. Bergius Nardenius. 420 x 503 mm. (Sl. browned). -- "DE STAATKUNDIGE BRAAKING voor het gemak van Brittanien". Amst., A. Olofsen, (c. 1800). Engraving by C. Paulicin. 223 x 305 mm. -- And 3 o. (5).

Ad 1: Shows 16 church reformers from John Wiclef until William Perkins seated around a table with a candle in the middle, representing the true faith. On the other side of the table "enemies of the light" try to blow out the candle. - Rare. FM 369; Atlas v. Stolk 235. Ad 2: FM 3802; Atlas v. Stolk 3619.

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