Veiling 359 Prints & Drawings

ALVA'S STATUE -- "AFBEELDING der Duym van het Metale Standbeelt des Hertogs van Alba, door hem selfs tot zijn eer in 't kasteel van Antwerpen opgeregt inden Jare 1571, Afgenomen door ordre van den Requesens 1575: geheel vermorselt 1577 (…)". (c. 1717-19?). Etching. 71 x 93 mm.

Representation of the thumb of the statue of the Duke of Alva, erected by himself in the courtyard of the citadel in Antwerp, 1571, destroyed in 1576. Attached is a verse of 8 lines in Dutch from Vondel. W. 18th and 19th c. annotations in ms in upper and lower blank margin, stamped 'No 121.' unfortunately in image. Without the letterpress text leaflet, present in the Rijksmuseum. - Very rare, not in FM (cf. FM 569).

€ 70

uitslag € 1200

volgend kavel

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