Veiling 359 Pomology

BERRIES -- JENNINGS, D.L. Raspberries and blackberries: Their breeding, diseases and growth. 1988. Obrds. -- J. BIGGLE. Biggle berry book. A condensed treatise on the culture of berries. 1905. W. cold. ills. 12°. Or. pictorial cl. -- P. ECK. Blueberry culture. (1966). Ocl. (Extremities a bit dam./worn). -- J. TREHANE. Blueberries, cranberries and other vacciniums. (2004). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- G.M. DARROW. The strawberry. History, breeding and physiology. (1966). Ocl. w. (a bit dam.) dust-j. -- And 7 o. (12).

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