Veiling 359 Printing Art

VROMAN, L. De tien verzoeken. Baarn, Atalanta Pers, 2008. W. ill. Square-4°. Owrps. Printed in 120 numb. copies. -- R. KAHN. No witnesses. - The hive. - The Minotaur caught in cobwebs. - Sentences. - Learning to hold my tongue. - (Amst., Inkling Press, n.d, 1980's). 5 vols. Owrps. (If a Fool Persists in His Foolishness 1-5). Printed in 40 numb. copies. -- M. MAETERLINCK. Onirologie. Conte. (St. De Roos, 1967). Or. clothbacked brds. Printed in 175 numb. copies. -- (M. v.d. ELZEN & G. LUKASSEN, red.). L: diverse dichters. Hoenderbossche verzen, 2004. Or. blue velvet bind. Printed in 100 numb. copies. -- And 17 o. (smaller) bibliophile publications (25).

€ 70

uitslag € 100

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