Veiling 359 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

MARITIME HISTORY - TRAVELLING -- BONTIUS, J., G. PISO & G. MARKGRAEF. Oost- en West-Indische Warande. Vervattende aldaar de Leef- en geneeskonst. Met een verhaal van de Speceryen, Boom- en Aard-gewassen, Dieren &c. in Oost- en West Indien voorvallende. Amst., J. ten Hoorn, 1694. (8), 304, (8) pp. W. engr. ti-p. (dated 1693). - Bound as usual with: J. VERBRUGGE. De Nieuwe Verbeterde Chirurgyns Scheeps-kist, sijnde een catalogus ofte Lijste der Medicamenten die yder Chirurgijn naer Oost- of West Indiën gemeenlyk mede-voert. Amst., J. ten Hoorn, 1693. 96 pp. - Tog. 2 works in 1 vol. Cont. vellum. (First title in ink on spine, upper joint split, first free endpaper (w. ex libris) nearly loose, last free endpaper w. slip from bookseller & annot. in pencil, slight waterstaining in first pp., yellowing).

This 2nd edition is not a direct translation of the works by any of the authors, but an abstract of their writings, meant for the use of naval and tropical surgeons. The added work, by J. Verbruggen, is a list of the drugs and medicines that a physician should bring along when traveling to either the East and West Indies, and the diseases that they where going to treat with them. Rare. - Landwehr VOC, 829; Borba de Moraes II, p. 676, Garrison & Morrison 2263/2263.1.

€ 2000

uitslag € 1600

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