Veiling 359 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

EMBLEM BOOKS -- (VELDE, J. v. & J.J. STARTER (?)). Openhertighe herten. (, Paris?), (n.d., before 1626). 54 (of 64) lvs. W. 54 fine rectangular etched emblems in text, attrib. to C. de Passe II. 16°-obl. Cont. vellum w. ties. (Lacking unfortunately lvs. pi1-2, A1, G8, H1-6, thumbed and soiled throughout/traces of use, repairs to first 3 lvs., small hole in F6, unobtrusive wormholes in places).

Extremely rare copy of 'Openhertighe herten', a booklet presumably used by young lovers in the 17th century, who would hold the book in one hand and stick a needle into the fore-edge to reveal a particular emblem and poem. - Cf. Landwehr, Emblem Books, 918; also, see: M. v. Vaeck, Verslagen en mededelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde (nieuwe reeks). Jaargang 1993. (Via - Sold w.a.f., not subject to return.

€ 400

uitslag € 1400

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