Veiling 359 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

EMBLEM BOOKS -- EGYPT -- VALERIANO, G.P. Hieroglyphica, ieu de sacris Aegyptiorum aliarumque gentium literis commentarij, libris quinquaginta octo digesti. (…). Accesserunt in hac postrema ed., Hori Apollinis Hieroglyphicorum ll. II: Item Hieroglyphicorum, Emblematicumque Medicorum. Lyon, P. Frellon, 1626. (42), 644, (44); 100; 211; 88, (12) ; (4), 140, (10) pp. W. engr. ti., woodcut portr. of the author, richly illustrated with woodcut emblems. Fol. Cont. cf. w. raised bands. (Rebacked, extremities a bit dam., outer margin faintly stained at the beginning).

First published in 1556. The most complete edition is considered that of 1626, Lugduni, with the addition of the hieroglyphics of Horapollo. It contains also "Hieroglyphicorum et medicorum emblematum [Greek:] dodekakrounos auctore Ludovico Casanova". Famous and very influential source book for 16th and 17th century imagery. Its beautiful illustrations and thematic ordering made it into a treasured and very accessible encyclopaedia of allegory. Praz p. 24: "In Valeriano's book hieroglyphs are wedded to the symbolism of mediaeval lapidaries and bestiaries, and of the Physiologus ascribed to Epiphanius, a collection of symbols suggested by animals (the stork, the pelican, the phoenix, etc.) which was itself of Alexandrine provenance." - Caillet 1977; Praz p. 521; cf. Kat. Orn. Berl. 4503 (first ed.); cf. Landwehr, German Emblem Bks., 614ff. (other eds.).

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