Veiling 359 Old & Rare Books - Natural History - Science - Medicine

BOTANY -- BURMANN, J. Thesaurus Zeylanicus, exhibens plantas in insula Zeylana nascentes; inter quas plurimae novae species, & genera inveniuntur. Amst., J. v. Waesbergen & S. Schouten, 1737, 1st ed., 2 parts in 1 vol. (16), 235, (15); (2), 33, (1) pp. W. engr. ti.-vign., engr. portr. & 111 engr. plates (1-110 & 18*). 4°. Cont. blind tooled vellum w. raised bands. (Bind. a bit warped/stained, corners renewed, small stamp on free endpaper, outer margin first lvs. faintly stained, else in very good interior condition).

Hunt 501: "Indeed, Linnaeus, as a guest in the Burman house, had a hand in the perfecting of the Thesaurus Zeylanicus itself (...) Ten years later Linnaeus brought out his own Flora Zeylanica. The volume is a rich example of a collection of plates which Pritzel and Stapf did not index because of their polynomial titles. (...) The Catalogi duo plantarum Africanorum is in effect a separate work, though it has no imprint." "The first illustrated flora of Ceylon, based on collections made by Paulus Hermann and Jan Hartog." - First edition. Nissen, BBI 303; Stafleu-C. 928. - With bookplate of Nils Rosén.

€ 1400

uitslag € 1900

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