Veiling 359 Old & Rare Books - Dutch History & Topography

DORDRECHT -- BALEN, M. Beschryvinge der stad Dordrecht. Dordr., S. onder de Linde, 1677. 2 vols. (16), 228, (2), 229-688; (1), 691-1358 (=1364), (24) pp. W. woodcut printer's mark on ti., 1 fine engr. front. by R. de Hooghe, 1 portr. of the author, 1 fold. panoramic view by R. de Hooghe, 1 fold. engr. plan by R. de Hooghe, 4 fold. engr. plates by R. de Hooghe, 9 portrs., 1 large plate w. coats of arms & num. woodcut coats of arms in text. W. 1 extra fold. portr. of Andreas Colvius by S. Savery. 4°. Cont. vellum. (Paste downs detached, engr. plan of the city & plate with the coats of arms torn, but actually a good copy).

First & only edition of still one of the best descriptions of the town, also of high genealogical interest. - Nijhoff/v. Hattum 17; Landwehr, RdH, 45.

€ 200

uitslag € 200

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