Veiling 359 Old & Rare Books - Religion

BIBLES -- LIBER PSALMORUM DAVIDIS. Annot. in eosde(m) ex Hebraeorum comment. (Et) Cantica quae in Bibliis sparsim leguntur. Paris, Ex off. R. Estienne, 1546 (Colophon: IIII Calendis Martii [= 26 Febr.]. 2 in 1 vol. W. woodcut printer's device on both ti-pp., text in 2 columns. Sm-8°. 18th c. mottled cf. (Spine ends sl. dam., old owner's entry on ti., lower part more or less waterstained throughout & at the beginning lower margin is a bit brittle/sl. moulded).

A Latin Psalm book presenting two different versions in parallel columns with extensive notes: The traditional Latin Vulgate and the contemporary Latin version (transl. from the Hebrew) by Leo Juda and Theodorus Bibliander. - Darlow & Moule 6127 note; Renouard I, 66; Adams B1425; Machiels B-486.

€ 180

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