Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

STATENHOFPERS -- VEERKAMP, J. & P. SCHOLTEN. V-boek. (The Hague), Statenhofpers, (2001). W. 4 tipped in cold. piezograph plates & 5 mezzotint ills. Sm-4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. Printed in 127 numb. copies, signed by author and artist. -- G. ACHTERBERG. Anti-materie. Antimaterie. Anti-matter. 2013. W. 5 plates by M. v. Eeden. 4°-obl. Obrds. by Phoenix bindery. Printed in 120 numb. copies signed by the artist. -- C. SMART. Jeoffrey. (Vert. d.) R. Kousbroek. 2004. (25)p. W. linocut ills. by O. Ettema. Ocl. Printed in 120 copies. Signed by translator and artist. -- C.O. JELLEMA. De locatie. 2006. W. woodengr. ill. by P. Lazarov. Ocl. Printed in 80 numb. copies. -- And 4 o. by the same press. (8).

€ 100

uitslag € 120

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