Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

OLDHAM, R. & P. GOOSSENS The Columbian hand press at 200. An historical summary and world-wide census. Antw., Letter-Kunde Press/Ad Lib Press, (2014). W. ill. 4°. privately bound in limp brds. w. flap. Printed in 125 numb. copies. -- (THUCYDIDES). Rede des Perikles für die Gefallenen. Frankf. am Main, Kleukens-Presse, 1920. Fol. Obrds. (Brds. a bit browned). Printed in a lim. ed. of 250 copies. -- Ph. DESPORTES. LX Pseaumes de David. Par., 1926. W. woodcut front.-portr. Hcf. w. raised bands & marbled sides, uncut & top edge gilt. (Spine discold.). Printed in red, blue & black in a lim. & numb. ed. (La Connaissance, 22). -- C. HUYGENS. 'T Voor-Hout & 't Kostelick mal. Maastr., 1927. Printed in red, blue & black in a limited edition. -- And 7 o. (illustr.) works. (11).

€ 75

uitslag € 110

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