Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

EIKELDOORPERS -- ADOORATIE- Vier het mee met DeeDee Vee. (, n.publ.), 2000-2001. Comprising 28 (incl. introd.) contributions by various Dutch private presses. 4°. In ocl. dropback box w. paper letterpiece. -- D. de VRIES. De verrassing van de binnenkant. (2011). W. loosely inserted print, signed in pencil. Owrps. Printed in 500 numb. copies. -- And 2 o. by the Eikeldoorpers. (4).

Ad 1: Published on occasion of the 55th birthday of Doortje de Vries from the Eikeldoorpers. Contains contributions by i.a. De Breukenpers, Het Gonst, Linje Pers, De Uitvreter, In de Bonnefant, Frans de Jong, Avalon Pers, Statenhofpers and Sub Signo Libelli.

€ 100

uitslag € 50

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