Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- HOMMAGE AAN BRAM DE DOES. (, n.publ., 2007). Comprising 23 (incl. introd.) contributions by various private presses. Together loosely inserted in ocl. box by E. Schots. -- GEEF ALEX DE ZAK! (, n.publ., 2005). Comprising 31 (incl. introd.) contributions by various private presses. Together in yellow cardboard box, kept in blue cl. bag. -- (2).

Ad 1: Published on occasion of the awarding of the Laurens Janszoon Costerprijs to Bram de Does. Printed in 175 copies. - Ad 2: Published on occasion of the 60th birthday of Alex Barbaix (Pastei press). Printed in 45 copies.

€ 80

uitslag € 65

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