Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

DRUKWERK IN DE MARGE -- DE GROTE NEDERLANDSE LETTERPROEF. Zestig prozafragmenten van Jacob Israel de Haan. Ed. M. Stapert-Eggen. Banholt/Woubrugge, De Blauwe Scheen, 1998. title/colophon-booklet, "Verantwoording"-booklet and "Inhoud en bibliografie"-booklet and 61 (instead of 60) booklets (2 diff. contributions numb. 38) by various private presses. Together in or. blindstamped cloth dropback box, fine wooden metallook slipcase representing a large lead printing-letter "H".

Vijfde uitwisselingsproject. Nice project, resulting in very fine typographical contributions, all printed in a different type, by i.a. Hein Elfering, Houtpers, De Veerpers, Statenhofpers, Breukenpers, De Lange Afstand, De Ammoniet, Johan de Zoete, Sub Signo Libelli, Zolderpers, Mikado Pers, Priegelpers, Ser J.L. Prop, Clipeus Pers and De Bloemenpers. Including contributions no. 5 and 52 that were not ready in time for publication. With an Addendum. - Printed in 90 copies.

€ 150

uitslag € 190

vorig kavel volgend kavel

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