Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

AVALON PERS -- HEIJDEN, A.F.Th. De kandidaat-Inez. 2005. W. front. by P. v. Straaten. Owrps. Printed in 99 signed copies. -- M. VASALIS. Fifteen of her poems with translations by James Brockway. 1999. Ocl. Printed in 85 numb. copies, signed by translator. -- S. VESTDIJK. Zeer Geachte Heer Van het Reve. 2006. Ocl. Printed in 110 copies. This copy printed for Jos Swiers. -- And 5 works by Pierre Kemp, all printed by Avalon Press. (8).

€ 100

uitslag € 110

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