Veiling 357 Private Presses - Printing Art

ARTISTIEK BUREAU -- ROSENBOOM, Th. Zeebanket. (Gron.), Artistiek Bureau, 2018. Obrds. Printed in 35 numb. copies, signed by the author. -- Id. Dank na dato. (Gron.), Artistiek Bureau, 2020. Owrps. Printed in 50 numb. copies, signed by the printer & author. -- A.L. SNIJDERS. Het antwoord. (Gron.), Artistiek Bureau, 2016. W. woodcut by I. Vandenabeele. Owrps. Printed in 33 numb. copies, signed by the author. -- Id. Uitzicht op zee. (Gron.), Artistiek Bureau, 2015. Owrps. Printed in 30 numb. copies, signed by the author. -- Id. Paspoort. (Gron.), Artistiek Bureau, 2014. Sm-8°. Owrps. Printed in 30 numb. copies, signed by the author. -- (5).

€ 70

uitslag € 130

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