Veiling 357 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing

STAD VAN LETTERS ABC2004. Antw./Gent, (Imschoot, 2004). 26 cahiers w. text, foto's & ill. in the text. Obrds., or plastic back boards, held together by a wooden stick.

Documents the pairing of 52 authors & artists to create an art alphabet in occasion of Antwerpen World Book City 2004. Among the contributors are: Tom Lanoye & Fred Eerdekens, Germaine Greer & Elke Boon, Hans Op De Beeck & Joost Zwagerman, Patrick Merckaert & Judith Herzberg, Boutique Vizique & Ramsey Nasr, Danny Ronaldo & Dimitri Verhulst.

€ 300

uitslag € 240

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