Veiling 357 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing

GRAPHIC DESIGN -- HEFTING, P. Baer Cornet grafisch ontwerper graphic designer. (1998). Sm-square-4°. Owrps. -- (J. SWARTE). De Ideale Postzegel. Een bundel ideeën n.a.v. het afscheid van Paul Hefting van de KPN, Kunst en Vormgeving. Introd. A. Lopez Cardozo & J. Swarte. 1994. Book design by J. Swarte. Obrds. -- THE PHAIDON ARCHIVE of graphic design. (2012). W. 500 examples of graphic design. 4°. Stored in or. box. -- (S. SWARTS). Artists' books. Caldic collection. (2009). Obrds. (Dutch ed.). -- D. KINDERSLEY. Graphic variations. (1979). 4°. Owrps. -- And 10 o. (15).

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