Veiling 357 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing

EX LIBRIS -- EXLIBRIS WERELD. driemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Exlibriskring der Wereld-Bibliotheek-Vereniging. Onder red. van J. Hanrath en J.C. Winterink (a.o.). Year 1-35. (, 1958-1992. 131 issues, indexes and "Johan Schwencke Prijs 1990" in 4 vols. (published in 4 "reeksen", mostly 4 nos. per year). W. num. ills. incl. some tipped-in plates. 8°-obl. Bound.

A quite rare complete set of the series in this size, continued in larger size, as stated in the final number. Printed in a limited edition.

€ 80

uitslag € 120

vorig kavel volgend kavel

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