Veiling 357 Illustrated Books 19th - 21st c.

NOORD-HOLLAND IN PROZA, POËZIE EN PRENTEN. (Haarlem, St. Culturele Raad Noord-Holland Tentoonstellingsdienst, 1990-93). Tog. 72 vols., incl. "nulnummer" and index. Each vol. w. a cold. silk screen print. Lge-8°. Owrps. In 3 or. cardboard boxes. (Spines and boxes very lightly sunned).

Complete series of literary texts (both poetry and prose) and art works devoted to 70 North-Holland municipalities, printed in 100 numbered copies (this being nr. 59) and 25 copies 'hors série'. Each volume consisting of 4 lvs. incl. a silk screen print, except for the index which has 6 lvs. Writers who contributed are Louis Ferron, Nicolaas Matsier, Marga Minco, Willem Jan Otten, Adriaan van Dis, Kees van Kooten, etc. Artists who contributed are Sam Middleton, Jeroen Henneman, Anton Heijboer, Frank Lodeizen, Guillaume Le Roy, Peter van Straaten, etc.

€ 300

uitslag € 240

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