SWEDENBORG, E. The principia; or, the first principles of natural things. To which are added the minor principia and summary of the principia. 1912. 2 vols. Ocl. -- H. LOTZE. Microcosmus: An essay concerning man and his relation to the world. Transl. by E. Hamilton & Constance Jones. 1999. 2 vols. Ocl. -- E. HAECKEL. Natürliche Schöpfungs-Geschichte. 10. verbes. Aufl. 1902. 2 vols. W. num. plates. Cont. h. mor. -- Added: D. GEYER. Unsere land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken. 2. Aufl. (1909). W. 18 plates. Ocl. -- R. GRASSMANN. Die Erdgeschichte oder Geologie. 1873. Hcl. -- And 2 o. (10).
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