Veiling 356 Bibliography - Typography - Fine Printing - Private Presses

EX LIBRIS -- COLLECTION of c. 250 ex libris for Andreas and Erika Selle and some other members of the Selle family (c. 120x), Ludwig Spindelberger (44x) and Geerth van der Zee (c. 90x). 20th c. Various sizes, techniques and artists, partly signed in pencil. All but a few tipped-onto mounts, loosely inserted in alphabetical order of artists in 3 portfolio's.

Incl. some duplicates/variants. Comprises ex libris by a.o .Cees Andriessen, Martin R. Bayens, Henk Blokhuis, Jiri Bonda, Wolfgang Brand, Vladimir Chishnjak, O. Feil, Gerard Gaudaen, H. Hornhaver, Frans Illi, Michael Jepkes, V. Kortovich, P. Koulekov, J. Oliveira, Rhentow Denis, O. Premstaller, Erich Schöner, M.M. Sechtlová, Ank Spronk, Ab Steenvoorden, Lou Strik, Vladimir Vereschagin, Yvonne de Vries, M.M. Wercholanzev and Wim Zwiers.

€ 120

uitslag € 130

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