Veiling 356 Classical Antiquity - Authors

SEXTUS EMPIRICUS. (Opera). Ex rec. I. Bekkeri. Berl., G. Reimer, 1842. Hcl. (A bit browned/foxed). -- Id. Contro gli etici. A cura di E. Spinelli. (1995). Owrps. -- A. BAILEY. Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean scepticism. 2002. Obrds. -- B. MATES. The skeptic way. Sextus Empiricus's Outlines of Pyrrhonism. 1996. Owrps. -- L. ROBIN. Pyrrhon & le scepticisme grec. 1944. Owrps. (A bit browned). -- M. SCHOFIELD, (a.o.). Doubt and dogmatism. Studies in Hellenistic epistemology. 1980. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- J. BARNES. The toils of scepticism. (1990). Obrds. -- And 7 o. on scepticism. (14).

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