Veiling 356 Non European Civilizations - Malay Archipelago

BUDDINGH, S.A. Neêrlands Oost-Indië. Reizen over Java, Madura, Makasser (...) gedaan gedurende het tijdvak van 1852-1857. 2de uitg. Amst, Wed. J.C. v. Kesteren & Zn., 1867. 3 vols. (6) ,415; (6), 415; (8), 445 pp. W. fold. cold. lithogr. map, tinted lithogr. portr. & 27 cold./tinted lithogr. plates. Beautiful or. blind tooled & richly gilt dec. cl. (Plates a bit foxed as usual, else very fine).

Bastin/Brommer 575-577: "This is more than a travelogue, containing as it does information on a wide range of subjects skilfully interwoven into the narrative (...) The combination of an interesting and informed text with so many coloured plates makes Buddingh's Neêrlands-Oost-Indië one of the handsomest of Dutch nineteenth century travel books". - Cat. NHSM I, 248; Landwehr, Bks w. cold. plates, 247; Rouffaer/Muller p.4; Tiele 214.

€ 400

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