Veiling 356 Old & Rare Books - Various subjects

CHOMEL, N. Algemeen huishoudelyk-, natuur-, zedekundig- en konst-woordenboek. 2e verm. en verb. dr. d. J.A. de Chalmot. Leyden/Leeuwarden, J. Le Mair/J.A. de Chalmot, 1778. 7 vols. W. engr. ti. & 100 engr. plates. 4°. Cont. hcf. w. raised bands. (Extremities a bit dam., joints (partly) split, binds. a bit rubbed, some browning/foxing in places).

'Encyclopedia' with practical information on gardening, hunting & cooking, illustrated with numerous instructive engravings on bird-catching, fishing & mineralogy etc. - Claes 162. Without the nine volumes of the 'Vervolg'.

€ 280

uitslag € 220

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