Veiling 355 Old & Rare Books - General History & Topography

CAMBRIDGE -- LOGGAN, D. Cantabrigia Illustrata sive Omnium Celeberrimae Istius Universitatis Collegiorum Aularum, Bibliothecae Academicae Scholarum Publicarum, Sacelli Coll: Regalis nec non Totius Oppidi Ichnographia Cambridge, (c. 1688). W. mezzotint front.-portr. of the Duke of Somerset, engr. title, dedication to William and Mary, preface and index, engr. double-page plan of Cambridge, 29 fine copper-engr. double-page plates. Fol. Cont. red mor. w. raised bands, dec. gilt back & gilt floral borders on both sides. (Joints (partly) split, corners dam., upper hinge strengthened, some marg. repairs, a bit stained in places).

A good copy of Danzig-born Loggan's second major work, following on from Oxonia Illustrata (1675). After being appointed engraver to Oxford University in 1669, Loggan began work on Cantabrigia Illustrata in 1676, before becoming engraver to Cambridge University in 1690. This work contains a series of views of the university and its colleges, as well as of Eton college. - Wing L2837.

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