HUYGENS, C. [Ses Boecken van de ledige uren/] Otiorum ll. VI. Poëmata varii sermonis, stili, argumenti. Haarlem, J.P. à Wesbusch (Hans Passschiers van Wesbusch), 1634. 543 pp. 12°-obl. Cont. cf., marbled endpapers. (Upper hinge broken, bind. in all a bit worn, Dutch title preceding the Latin title not present (as often), a bit browned, upper margin short in places occasionally affecting text, but still a decent copy).
Rare and hardly ever on the market second edition of Huygens's collected poetry. Includes poems in Latin, French, Dutch and Italian and also the longer poem 'Het Voorhout' and 'Costelick mal'. Copy w. etched ex libris of Vincent van Gogh (uncle of the artist) by M.A.J. Bauer. - Bibl. Belgica, H 102; Scheurleer, Liedboeken, 150.€ 500
uitslag € 450