Veiling 355 Old & Rare Books - Classical Antiquity

ISOCRATES. De la loüange d'Helene et de Busire. (French adaptation Pierre du Ryer). Paris, wid. J. Camusat, 1640 [colophon: 8 november 1639]. 126, (2) pp. W. engr. printer's mark. 12°. Cont. cf. w. gilt and ribbed spine w. mor. letterpiece, double gilt fillet line around sides, gilt board-edges & inside dentelles, red edges. (Joints (partly) split, spine ends chipped).

French translation by Pierre du Ryer (ca. 1606-1658) and F. Giry, of two ironical panegyrics on the usually despised Helen of Troy and on the cruel Egyptian king Busiris, by Isocrates (436-338 b.C.). - Hoffmann II, 488. Extremely rare: only 2 copies in OCLC in libraries worldwide.

€ 160

uitslag € 120

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