Veiling 355 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

PETRUS LOMBARDUS. Sententiarum libri I-II (of IV). (Comm. by Bonaventura). (Nürnberg, A. Koberger, 1500). 2 (of 5) parts in 1 vol. (146) lvs. (incl. 2 blanks); 192 lvs. W. first ti. printed in red, num. woodcut initials and large woodcut at the end. Fol. Fine cont. richly blind tooled pigskin over wooden brds. w. raised bands, w. brass clasps and catches. (A few small dam. to bind., faintly waterstained in places, a few tiny wormholes, annot. on ti. and on v° last leaf in an old hand, a bit thumbed at the beginning).

First two books of the commentaries of Bonaventura on the 'Sentences' of Petrus Lombardus. Without vol. 3 and 4 and the tables by J. Beckenhaub. - Hain 3543; Polain 797; Goff P488; GW M32561.

€ 1000

uitslag € 1300

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