Veiling 355 Old & Rare Books - (Post)incunabula

DIONYSIUS CARTHUSIENSIS. Insigne Commentariorum opus, in Psalmos omnes Davidicos. Cologne, P. Quentell, 1531. (4), cccx, xlv, (1) lvs. W. large woodcut printer's device on ti. & num. beautiful woodcut initials. Fol. Old blind tooled vellum over wooden brds, w. raised bands, & brass clasps & catches. (Some (faint) libr. stamps, a few marg. stains, else a fine copy).

First edition of the earliest work by Dionysius (1402-1471), the phenomenally productive Flemish theologian, Carthusian monk, ecstatic, and associate of Nicolas of Cusa, for whom he composed treatises refuting Muslim belief, superstition, and magical practices. His exegetical writings begin with the present commentary (1434) and go on to treat the entire New and Old Testaments. - Adams D-557; VD 16 1922. - Ex libris 'Ex Oblatorum S Caroli Bibliotheca".

€ 360

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