Veiling 355 Modern Art

FINLAY, I.H. "Poursuites révolutionnaires"/"Revolutionary poursuits". (1987). W. 9 loose inserts. Sm-4°. Owrps. -- Id. Saint-Just Vigilantes. July 14 1989. 8 stickers. -- Id. Corinthian Capital: to construct, cut around outside edge of figure, fold along creased lines, and glue, to form a cube. Wild Hawthorn Press, (1985). Screenprint in red and black. 418 x 320 mm. -- OU numéro 25: Special biennale. 1965. W. contribution by Finlay ("I lov") loosely inserted. Square-4°. Owrps. (Loose in bind., some creases & small tears). Printed in 500 numb. copies. -- H. CHOPIN. A propos de OU - Cinquième Saison, 1958-1974. Un quart de siècle d'avant-garde. 1974. 4°-obl. Owrps. (Wrps. partly faded). Printed in 300 copies. -- (5).

€ 120

uitslag € 90

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