Veiling 355 Foreign Literature - English

BLOOMSBURY -- SACKVILLE-WEST, V. Letters to Vriginia Woolf. Ed. by L. De Salvo & M.A. Leaska. (1985). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Saint Joan of Arc. (Folio Society), 1995. Ocl. In or. slipcase. -- L. WOOLF. The Journey, not the Arrival matters. An autobiography of the years 1939-1969. (1970). Ocl. w. dust-j. -- Id. Downhill all the way. An autobiography of the years 1919-1939. 1970. Obrds. -- V. WOOLF & Q. BELL. The Charleston Bulletin supplements. Ed. by C. Olk. (2013). Obrds. w. dust-j. -- And 19 o. by the same. (24).

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